Thursday, April 10, 2014

Justice for Ye Tike

Ye Tike , age 30, is a famous Myanmar-Muslim actor until 2012. His religion became an issue since he is a well known actor. The following link is interview with Ye Tike concerning his religion.
After that, he changed his religion to Buddhism , then he knelt down at a church while he was seeking the peace after living as a religion-less person for a couple of years in Yangon.
Ye Tike, in front of a church (photo;Internet)
On 4th July, 2013, he was searched by polices and seized at Kyaukdaga Township of Bago region. The news announced that Marijuana was found with him and sentenced 6 years of imprisonment with hard labor. Many people were criticizing on his imprisonment which was sentenced on 6th April 2014. I am also doubt in this case and finding out the justice for him. Everyone has to obey and respect the law. But, justice is my dream. 

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