Saturday, January 24, 2015

2015 Election

Please bring free and fair election in Myanmar 2015. I wanna see awesome speechs and campaigns from every single one of candidates who really are participate as smashing governors in new governmental affairs. We don't want the fake ones just the real ones from their minds. Something is better than nothing of course yet. I do appreciate and thankful to people who agreed to vote and also exhorted for voting in previous 2010 election. We wouldn't get these kind of situations without all of their efforts although conditions aren't stable until now. We don't like fate but need to involve in fate games and turning as what we all want to shaping for our country new Myanmar. We need youth for changes and responsible active citizens to have discipline as our own ways . We need 'Actions' because it's 'Speak Louder Than The Words'.
NLD leader Daw Aung San Su Kyi  (photo: Internet)

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