Monday, March 23, 2015

Quote of the day

Each generation brings with it a fresh burst of enthusiasm, energy, vitality. Each generation is fired by its vision of the ideal society in an ideal world. The ideal never be achieved but because men have ideals, those society progress.
Lee Kuan Yew
24th January 1988
( R.I.P Mr Lee)

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Free Phyo Phyo Aung

Phyoe Phyoe Aung (27) was an engineering student in Burma when she was arrested for advocating for democracy during the Saffron Revolution in 2007. After her release, despite having endured 4 years of brutality and privations in prison, Phyoe Phyoe and her then fiancĂ©, Lin Htet Naing, continued to advocate for democracy, most especially educational opportunities for Burmese youth. They started the Wings Capacity Building Project--an NGO devoted to holding free educational seminars and programs for Burma's youth--something that was badly needed in Burma's educational climate. 

Photo: Internet

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Good Behavior

Forcing good behavior is itself a bad behavior. You can only teach good behavior by living it. — Bryant McGill

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Interview with Dr Thein Lwin ( NNER)

A core group of about 200 student demonstrators and their supporters were violently dispersed by police in Letpadan, Pegu Division, on Tuesday morning. Several were injured, many were arrested, and some fled into nearby homes and jungles to escape the vicious scene.
As the dust began to settle, The Irrawaddy spoke with Thein Lwin of the National Network for Education Reform (NNER) about what sparked the brutal crackdown and what transpired in Letpadan.
Dr Thein Lwin ( NNER) Photo :Internet

Another bad image

Student demonstrators who are demanding education reform were chased down and kicked and beaten police wielding batons on March 10, 2015 in Latpatan. European Press Photo Agency (EPA) staff photographer Nyein Chan Naing, who also was on the scene, said, “The student protesters tried to break through the police line and police stood against the student protesters. Suddenly someone threw a water bottle or something, then the violence started."
It is a shameful  image of Myanmar government, police and authority handling with student demonstrators. And many have been worrying for 2015 election and the process of democracy.

Monday, March 9, 2015

We the People

"The single-most powerful word in our democracy is the word 'we.' We the People. We shall overcome. Yes we can. That word is owned by no one. It belongs to everyone. Oh, what a glorious task we are given, to continually try to improve this great nation of ours." —President Obama

Photo: Internet

Friday, March 6, 2015

Plainclothes Vigilantes Make a Comeback in Rangoon

Very disturbing. In past two days, Burmese regime has once again used plainclothes thugs to break up student demonstrations and garment worker strikes.
Photo: Internet

Democracy reform process

Stooges of military (Swan-arr-shin) crack down the students protestors and their supporters who are protesting the country’s controversial education law in downtown Yangon, in front of the city hall.
While the student protestors are marching to Yangon from different parts of Myanmar, supporters of the students, including activists, parents of protesting students and civil society representatives have gathered in Mandalay, Monywa, Pakokku and Yangon, calling for a peaceful solution.  However, the layman stooges of military junta hit, beat, capture the students yesterday.
David Methieson, Burmese Consultant for Human Right Watch, said concerning the democracy transition that the reform process is not in the right direction.