Saturday, March 14, 2015

Free Phyo Phyo Aung

Phyoe Phyoe Aung (27) was an engineering student in Burma when she was arrested for advocating for democracy during the Saffron Revolution in 2007. After her release, despite having endured 4 years of brutality and privations in prison, Phyoe Phyoe and her then fiancĂ©, Lin Htet Naing, continued to advocate for democracy, most especially educational opportunities for Burmese youth. They started the Wings Capacity Building Project--an NGO devoted to holding free educational seminars and programs for Burma's youth--something that was badly needed in Burma's educational climate. 

Photo: Internet

In any other country, Phyoe Phyoe and her newlywed husband Lin Htet Naing would be hailed as bright-eyed, fresh-faced hopes for the future, supported by the larger society, and those in authority, but now, in Burma, Phyoe Phyoe has been placed in Tharawaddy Prison, an institution infamous for torturing and brutalizing its prisoners. It has been reported that she has already been physically beaten by authorities. Her newlywed, husband, Lin Htet Naing is on the Burmese police "wanted list" and may also be imprisoned.
Ref : US Campaign for Burma

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