Saturday, February 21, 2015

Be Peaceful Myanmar ( Nyein-chan par say Maynmar Pyay)

After constantly reading relating current battles between Myanmar troops and Kokang rebels near Laukkai, capital of the self-administered Kokang zone, Northern Shan State. This week’s fighting was led by Phone Kya Shin, once the leader of the Kokang rebels, he split off several years ago and now heads a renegade faction. His men attacked military stations with the objective of capturing Laukai (500 miles) northeast of the country’s biggest city, Yangon. As far  as I understand the whole situations, the problems have been latent or in inactive state for many years after signing cease-fire.
Peace on the paper. Phone Kya Shin become a businessman in Laukkai region trading at China-Myanmar border. Myanmar has been in transition period to change a democratic country and many good and bad things are happening in late 2014 and early 2015. Such as journalist freedom, Mi-chaung-kan demonstrations, Lat-pan-taung project with Wan-bao Company, student demonstrators marching for education reform etc. The tensions between local people and Wan-bao Chinese company for copper mining, the death of Daw Khin Win who was shot by police became an unsolvable problem at present. The tension between China and Myanmar become bigger. In the mean while, Kokang rebels started attacks Laukkai region on February 9th 2015 . Not only military base where families and children live but also residential areas were attacked by Kokang rebels. The military said that China government supports Kokang rebels to attack Myanmar army. The worst thing is they also attack hospitals and a Red-cross ambulance carrying the patients. Now, many local people are moving from Laukai and seeking for safe shelters.
I personally want everyone has peaceful mind and action for himself and other people without greed and hatred. For a developing environment with democratic government, every citizen have to understand and obey the rules and regulations and every citizens get equal rights for health, education and safety. May both leaders, government, staffs including health care workers, local people and Kokang rebels free from amity and danger.
My personal essay regarding Laukkai clashes after reading many new posts on Facebook, articles on news websites only represents how I see and how I feel as a Burmese who always love her homeland.

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